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Preview of Stamps Catalogue: VOLUME 1 |
Return To Catalogue - Winter forgeries of other countries - Winter forgeries of France - Winter forgeries of German States, part 2 - Winter forgeries of German States, part 3 - Winter forgeries of German States, part 4 - Winter forgeries of Germany
Note: on my website many of the
pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the catalogue;
contact me if you want to purchase it.
The forger Peter Winter (Germany) made forgeries of many classic and rare stamp of several countries in the 1980's. They sometimes have the word 'replik' written on the backside (but not always). He not only sold them 'loose' but also on cover. He seems to have used some photographs of the British Library in London to make some of his forgeries (source: http://www.sheryll.net/Forgeries/Germany/Forgeries_article_Germany.htm). A catalog exists of the 'House of Stamps', offering his 'stamps', see: http://www.seymourfamily.com/billclaghorn/HouseOfStamps/index.htm. Recently, these forgeries are offered in large numbers on internet auctions for low prices.
(Example of the 'replik' overprint on the backside of a Winter
The word 'Replik' on the backside of a forged letter
Note on all Winter forgeries: They are printed on modern paper (the paper doesn't 'look' old). This is the main distinghuishing characteristic.
Forgeries of the 9 k black on green misprint and the normal 9 k
black on lilac, also a 9 k on piece of letter with forged '164'
ring cancel
(Same forgery on a forged letter)
Forged 9 k black on green on a forged cover to 'Schneeberg'
Peter Winter also 2 forged 9 k black on lilac with a large space in between (so-called 'Zwischensteg').
'Zwishensteg' forgery, here with cancel '164' in a circle.
I've also seen the 9 k black on green 'misprint' with this '164' forged cancel.
An imperforated variety of the 3 Kr 1862 stamp exists, it was mainly used in the city of Stockach (very rare). This stamp was also forged by Peter Winter (with cancel 'STOCKACH 28 DEZ', also on letter).
(Imperforate 3 k Baden forgery, uncancelled)
Imperforate forgery on envelope, note that this envelope was also
used for forgeries of Bavaria
Zoom-in on the forged stamp and forged cancel
1 1/2 s tete-beche pair, with 'replik' printed on the backside
I've been told that these forgeries were also made by Peter
Winter, they have the inscription 'COPY' on the backside
The above letter is entirely forged; the stamps, cancel and letter. Note that the same forged letter was also used with stamps of Bremen and Wurttemberg! The letter is adressed to 'Messieurs Pansan et Montgolfier'.
Peter Winter made forgeries of the single 1/10 Th stamp, but also a row of 5 stamps, with one 'Kopfsteher' or tete-beche stamp in the middle. In the 'House of Stamps' catalogue such a forgery can be seen adressed to 'D.Edwin D.Newton at the Hospital Richmond'.
(3 Pfennige green 1863 forgery of Hannover)
Two forged stamps on letter with cancel 'HILDESHEIM 16/10 7-8 A'
Zoom-in on one of the stamps of the above envelope