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Return To Catalogue - United States locals overview - Jenkins to McMillan - Mason to Mills - United States

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the catalogue;
contact me if you want to purchase it.

George A.Hussey not only owned a local stamp delivery company. He also let the printer Thomas Wood print imitations and reprints of other local stamps (between 1854 and 1866).

50 William St. N.Y. or 82 Broadway, letterbox or temple


Genuine Genuine
Temple: 50 William St. Two types: with or without small line above the "I" of "DELIVERY"

Temple and postbox with inscription "82 Broadway"

Genuine Genuine


1863 Mercury and horse

Genuine Genuine

  5 c black on red
  10 c gold on green
  15 c gold on black
  20 c black
  25 c gold on blue
  30 c gold on red
  50 c black on green

Reprints exist.

The two types of 'Benson' forgeries, reduced sizes.

I've also seen forgeries with no value an inscription in "CENT" (without "S"). They are printed quite badly and if I'm well informed are made by a forger named Benson. I've seen them in the colors black, red and black on green. This Benson also made forgeries of the stamps with value inscription (I've only seen the 5 c value, in various colors).

Forgery made by Scott of the 20 c value, the "20" is smaller than in the genuine stamp.



Husseys Bank & Insurance Special Message

1) "CLOSES 11 A.M." at right "2 CENT DELIVERY" at the left, "54 PINE ST." at bottom

(I've been told that this are reprints made by Scott)

The above reprints for J.W. Scott can be distinghuished from the original by a 4 mm break in the bottom frame line under the '54'.

2) "CLOSES AT 11 A.M." at the left, "18 63" on top, "50 WILLIAM ST." below, "1 CENT DELIVERY" at right (1863-65)


Dubious item, probably a forgery.

3) "CLOSES AT 11 A.M." at the left, "50 WILLIAM ST." below, "1 CENT DELIVERY" at right, no "18 63" on top

In my opinion, in the first type of these forgeries, the word "BANK" is written too far to the right. The "B" of this word is now placed on top of the "N" of "INSURANCE" and the "K" is directly above the "A" of "INSURANCE". Also, "BANK" and "&" are much closer together.

In another forgery, the "C" of "CLOSES" is placed besides "50", the "M" of "A.M". is placed too low, the "1" is also placed too low.

Other forgeries exist.

4) "CLOSED 11 A.M." at the right, "DAILY DELIVERY" at left, "54 PINE ST." at bottom


Two sub-types exist, one with "11" placed besides "MESSAGE" and another with "11" placed next to the space in between "Special" and "MESSAGE".

Type I and Type II

5) "50 WILLIAM ST" at the left, "CITY POST" below, "BANK INSURANCE" at the right and "ONE STAMP or Cent Each DELIVERY" curved in the center

I've only seen this stamp in color red. Forgeries exist of these stamps, in which the "." behind "ST" almost touches the "H" of "HUSSEY".


Running messenger

Image obtained from a Siegel auction
"Special Message" written at the left. Exists in red, blue and black. A type with "COPYRIGHT 1877" in between the legs also exists (rare, only exists in black). Reprints with less shaded right leg of the messenger exist.

"Special" at the left; three types exist differing in the size of the word "TRADE MARK". All types exist in blue, black and red.


"Hussey's 54 Pine St."

Genuinely used stamp; this stamp exists in the colors brown, red and blue.

"Time posted 50 Wm. St.":

(Reduced sizes)

Large label with man on horse, inscription "NOT A COMMON CARRIER SPECIAL MESSAGE POST HUSSEY'S 50 WmSt. ALWAYS READY RELIABLE. TRY IT!", colour: black on yellow, reduced size

Reprints/Forgeries made by Hussey of other local posts


(Dupuy & Schenk forgery)

The above forgery of the Cornwell Post Office Madison Square was printed by Thomas Woods in 1866 for George Hussey. A total of 3000 of these forgeries were printed.

Hussey 'reprint' of a Jenkins' Camden Dispatch

(A Hussey forgery of the 'Moody Penny Dispatch Chichago')

Reprints made by Hussey of "Bouton's Rough and Ready City Dispatch Post":

(Reduced sizes)

(Note the 'SX' below the ship in these forgeries of the 'Essex Letter Express', made by Hussey)

(Letter Express Free forgery made by Hussey)

(Reprint of W.Wyman local stamp made by Hussey)

(Forgery of an American Letter Mail Co stamp made for Hussey)

Minisheet of 10 reprint of Kidder's City Express Post, apparently done with the original printing plates.

Brown & Mc Gill's Hussey reprint (actually forgery)

According to John.N.Luft in 'Some notes on the New York postmaster provisional five cents, black, 1845' (1911), reprints were also made of the New York 5 c black provisional stamp of 1845.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer