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GREAT BRITAIN, Queen Victoria, forgeries of the 5 Pound value

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contact me if you want to purchase it.

Genuuine stamps (see also: Great Britain, Queen Victoria, Large sizes):



I have seen imperforate souvenir sheets (?) with the 1 Pound and 5 Pounds stamps on it, with very large borders (about the size of the stamp itself), at the bottom the year the stamp was issued is indicated in very large letters. I don't know who issued these sheets, but they have been issued in large quantities. Example of such a sheet:

(1 pound brown facsimile sheet)

Sheet with 5 Pound forgery, reduced size. Next to it the same reprint in green.

Cut from this same sheet with '1882' removed, with rather worn impression behind the Queen's head.

Forgery with no watermark, possible perforated cut from the above souvenir sheet

Possibly the same forgery as above, with "EDINBURGH JA 8 96" cancel. This forgery also appears in the Barefoot guide of Great Britain. It is said to have been produced somewhere in the 1970's. It always has letters 'AA'. It has an impressed watermark. I've also seen it with the cancel "C JERSEY NO 16 98".

The same "AA" forgery with forged "WORCESTER 1245 PM DE 8 99" cancel.

Another forgery has impossible "AQ" corner letters, it is called the Paris forgery and first appeared around 1928. It often has a "STIRLING 1 JA 5 89" cancel (source: http://www.stampauctions.co.uk/5pound/f74.jpg).

Another forgery has impossible "DO" corner letters and sometimes a forged "REGISTERED A2 3 AP 02 LOMBARD ST." cancel. It was made by Peter Winter.

Peter Winter forgeries.

The forger Peter Winter has made forgeries of the 1 Pound brown, 1 Pound green and 5 Pounds orange Queen Victoria stamps. He also offers a forgery of the 5 Pounds telegraph Queen Victoria stamp. Images can be found in the 'House of Stamps Edition 88' catalogue. There, they are cancelled on pieces of paper with the cancels "REGISTERED A2 3 AP LOMBARD ST." in an ellipse, "LUDLOW MY 9 1894" curved text cancel, "HONITON NO 29 18.." and "1" numeral cancel in a lozenge surrounded by lines. He also offers the 5 Pounds stamp on letter.


Modern 'reproductions':

Forgery of the 5 Pounds value with the head of the Queen slanting too much forwards. Possibly also made by the same forger, since I've seen it with the above shown "TORQUAY H DE 1...." partial cancel, which I have also seen on other forgeries of Great Britain.

"DI" forgery with "WIGAN AM DE 20 99" cancel. I've also seen it with the same cancel placed in a different position.

"SPECIMEN" forgery with "COPY" written at the back.

Photographic forgery?

Exhibition sheet from 1982.

Advertisement label of the "NEW ENGLAND STAMP COMPANY" from Boston Mass. in the design of the 5 Pounds stamp.

The 'New England' label as part of an envelope.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer