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Preview of Stamps Catalogue: VOLUME 1

GERMANY (Local Issues) Aachen - Barmen-Elberfeld

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the catalogue;
contact me if you want to purchase it.


1894 Inscription "AACHENER STADTBRIEF-BEFORDERUNG MERKUR", beehive, perforated

Image obtained from www.privatpost-merkur.de (Reduced size)

(Reduced sized images)

  2 p blue
  3 p orange
  3 p black
  5 p red
  10 p green


(Reduced sized images)

  '3 Pfg' (violet) on 5 p red
  '3 Pfg' (violet) on 10 p green
  '*3*' (violet) on 5 p red
  '*3*' (violet) on 10 p green

Surcharged and overprinted with 'H' (violet)
  '3 Pfg' on 5 p red (very rare)

Surcharged and overprinted with 'D' (violet)
  '3 Pfg' on 5 p red (very rare)

The stamps 2 p blue and 3 p orange were also used in Duren.

(Various cancels, among them three with 'Prosit Neujahr': 'Happy newyear')

Postcard from Aachen.


1893 Stamps of Leipzig (jumping horse), overprinted with "Oscar Naumann"

  2 p brown
  2 p grey on yellow
  2 1/2 p lilac
  3 p blue
  3 p blue on yellow
  5 p red on yellow


1893 Stamps of Leipzig (value in circle), overprinted with "Oscar Naumann"

(Reduced size)

  2 p red
  3 p grey blue


1893 Woman, inscription "COURIER ALTENBURG COURIER"

  2 p brown
  3 p blue
  5 p red

More heavily printed specimens exist (1897). Imperforate stamps also exist.


1888 Stamps of Stettin overprinted "Mercur ALTONA"

  2 p blue
  3 p blue
  5 p blue
  10 p blue
  13 p blue
  20 p blue
  50 p blue
  100 p blue


1888 Inscription "VERKEHRS ANSTALT ALTONA", letter, feather and anchor

(reduced sizes)

  2 p blue
  3 p red
  5 p orange
  10 p green
  100 p brown


1889 Famous poets and musicians, inscription "Brief-Beforderung MERCUR ALTONA"

2 p brown

  2 p orange (Goethe)
  3 p blue (Schiller)
  10 p red (Mozart)
  20 p green (Beethoven)
  1 M green (Wagner)


1898 Stamps of Hamburg (Brief beforderung express), overprinted "ALTONA" in a straight line in red, violet or black

  2 p green
  3 p blue
  5 p red
  10 p violet
  15 p brown
  20 p orange

Other stamps with a curved overprint exist on stamps of Hamburg, but are probably bogus issues.


1872 Parcel stamps, inscription "H.MAACK HAMBURG ALTONA PACKETBEFORDERUNG Steintwiete 25"

(Reduced sizes)

There exist a 1 Sh red and a 2 Sh blue, the adress "Steintwiete 25" has mostly a penstroke on it (because the adress of the company had changed).

This stamp with inscription "Polizei-Amt Altona Quittung uber Auskunftsgebuhr"; this stamp was issued in 1906 and is a fiscal stamp.


1893 Stamps of Leipzig (jumping horse), overprinted "OTTO COLLER APOLDA" to be used in Apolda

  2 p brown
  2 p grey on yellow
  3 p blue
  3 p blue on yellow
  5 p red on yellow


1893 Number, inscription "COURIER APOLDA", perforated

  3 p blue

  3 p blue


1894 City hall, perforated

(Reduced sizes, note the cancel)

  3 p red

  3 p red


Parcel stamps

(Parcel stamps)

Parcel stamps with inscription "Expressverkehr J.W. Harris Apolda" exist with a number in the design in the values 5 p green, 10 p blue, 20 p brown, 30 p red and 50 p yellow. I have seen two types of all values, type I with the two small circles at both side of the value at the same level and type II with the right hand circle placed lower:

(Two types, reduced sizes)

Other values with the arms of Apolda and the inscription "EXPRESS - PACKET - VERKEHR APOLDA J.W. HARRIS" have been issued in the following values: 5 p green, 5 p blue, 10 p lilac, 20 p brown (shades), 30 p orange, 40 p yellow, 50 p blue, 50 p green and 1 M red.

Just after world war II, more local stamps were issued for Apolda.

Click here for more information.


1888 Inscription "RICHARD MULLER PRIVAT BRIEF VERKEHR AUERBACH", perforated or imperforated

(Reduced size, rotated 90 degrees)

  1 p orange (yellow)
  1 p grey
  2 p blue
  2 p violet
  3 p brown
  3 p red
  5 p brown 
  5 p green
  10 p red
  10 p yellow
These stamps exist overprinted "Brand 1888" (fire)


1888 Inscription "R.MULLER DRUCKSACHEN VERKEHR AUERBACH i.V" for printed matter

(Reduced sizes)

  1 p brown
  1 p green
  1 1/2 p red
  1 1/2 p yellow
  2 p violet
  2 p blue
  2 p brown
  3 p brown
  3 p red
  5 p grey
  5 p yellow
These stamps exists overprinted "Brand. 1888" (=fire)

(With overprint "Brand. 1888", reduced size)


1888 Control stamps

  100 p brown
  100 p red
  150 p orange
  150 p green
  200 p violet
  200 p blue
  200 p brown
  500 p yellow
  500 p grey
  1000 p red
  1000 p yellow
These stamps were also used in Falkenstein.


Postcard in the same design as postage stamps:

(Reduced size)

Other issues from R.Muller with inscriptions "EXPRESS PACKET VERKEHR" (with and without embossed center, for parcels), "PACKET NACHPORTO" (parcel due stamps), "AUSGLEICHS MARKE", "WAAREN PROBEN", "EILBOTE" (express), "ANWEISUNG", "Auftrag" and "Eingeschrieben" (registered) exist, also some of them with overprint "Brand 1888":

"Auftrag" and "ANWEISUNG"

("AUSGLEICHS MARKE", reduced sizes)

("EILBOTE", reduced size)

"WAAREN-PROBEN"; very similar stamps were issued for Falkenstein.

("WAAREN-PROBEN", reduced size)

Some other parcel stamps:

"ABFERTIGUNG PACKET BESTELLUNG"; very similar stamps were issued for Falkenstein.

(Express-Packet Verkehr, reduced sizes)


1896 Large arms of the Herion family, inscription "Herions Stadt- Brief- Packet Beforderung", perforated

  2 p red
  3 p blue

Surcharged in red or blue (old values removed)

(Reduced size)

  '15' on black
  '20' on blue
  '25' on red

These stamps were also used in Muhlhausen.


1895 Smaller arms of the Herion family, inscription "Herions Stadt- Brief- Packet Beforderung", perforated

(Reduced size)

  2 p red
  3 p blue

These stamps were also used in Muhlhausen.


1896 Arms of Herion family in an ellipse, perforated

(Reduced size)

  2 p blue
  2 p orange
  15 p red
  20 p green
  25 p brown

A 2 p yellow was issued for Bamberg in the same design, more values were issued in Furth. The 25 p brown was also used in Furth.


1897 Statue, perforated or imperforate

2 p blue

  2 p blue



1896 Arms of Herion family in an ellipse, perforated

(Reduced size)

  2 p yellow

Other values exist in Augsburg and Furth, the 15 p green, 20 p black and 25 p brown of Furth were also used in Bamberg.


1897 Large sized stamp with woman, inscription "BAMBERGER PRIVAT- STADTPOST", perforated or imperforated

  2 p blue

1897 Man with flag and shield

  2 p blue


1894 Inscription "COURIER ELBERF.-BARM"

  2 p red (2 types)
  3 p orange
  5 p green
  5 p blue



  3 p brown



  2 p brown
  3 p green

Postcards, example:

(What is this? Postcard overprinted 'Berlin Wilmersdorf')

I've seen (modern) reprints made with the original dies in minisheets (50 sets were printed of each)
6 stamps of 3 pf blue
6 stamps of 3 pf red
4 stamps, 3 pf (2 times), 4 pf and 10 pf all in green
4 stamps, 3 pf (2 times), 4 pf and 10 pf all in blue; the four stamps printed in a lozenge shape

BERGEDORF, click here

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer