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BADEN 1862 issue other forgeries (not Fournier)

Return To Catalogue - Baden 1860-1868 - Germany

Currency: 60 Kreuzer = 1 Gulden

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the catalogue;
contact me if you want to purchase it.

Forgeries of the Baden 1862 issue, other than Fournier forgeries (Baden 1862 forgeries, Fournier) :


A forged 18 k and two forged 30 k stamps with forged cancels; the arms design almost touches the bottom frame, the lettering is also slightly different from the genuine 30 k stamps (see for example the much thinner 'E's in 'KREUZER'). The perforation is very rough, the corner ornaments have too much colour and the dots in the shield are unevenly distributed. Note the concentric cancels without numerals on these forgeries (I've seen the widely spaced 4-ring cancel on the 18 k as well).

Forgeries of the 18 kr and 30 kr made by the same forger. The wings are too close to the borders when compared to a genuine stamp. The tail of the left griffion is touching the frameline. These forgeries are probably of Italian origin. I've seen them with "CARLSRUHE 24 AUG" cancel, but other cancels exist.

A, what appears to me a genuine, 30 k stamp, but with the same "DONAUESCHINGEN 27 FEB 2-4 N' cancel with missing horizontal bar in "F", identical to the 18 k forgery shown above. I presume this is a forged cancel.

Another set of forgeries, the perforation doesn't match in the corners. The "B" of "BADEN" has an extension at the right hand top side. The cancel on the 6 k was never used in Baden. The "3" in the 3 k value is totally different from a genuine 3 k stamp. The 1 k and 7 k values of the next issue were also made by the same forger. I've also seen the 3 k value of this forgery with perforation 13 1/2 (with a ring cancel).

A dangerous forgery of the 18 k value is described in Le Postillon Revue Philatelique from 1902, page 300. It was sold by the stamp forger Champion. Unfortunately, the scan of the forgery is not very clear there.

Another presumable forgery, the perforation is all wrong.

A forgery with a strange bars cancel.

Yet another forgery type.

(Inscription 'FAKSIMILE' in the shield)

The above 18 k stamp has the inscription "FAKSIMILE" on the central part of the arms. I've also seen this forgery with the word "FAKSIMILE" scratched out (but still faintly visible).

A forgery of the 18 k with "FREIMARKE" in the left and right hand side ("POSTVEREIN" should have been written at the right hand side of the stamp).

Sperati forgeries:

Three Sperati forgeries.

Front and backside of a blackprint of a 18 k Sperati forgery.

Forged Sperati 'proof' of the 18 k stamp

The cancels on the Sperati forgeries are always genuine (he bleached out the design of a lower value genuine stamp while retaining the cancel and printed the 18 k design on top of it). To make things even more complicated, Sperati made four different kinds of forgeries of the 18 k value (Reproduction 'A' to 'D'). These forgeries are extremely deceptive. If my information is correct, Reproduction 'A' has a small white dot in front of the "F" of "FREIMARKE" and a coloured dot in the lower left part of the second 'E' of this word. Reproductions 'B' and 'D' have a small dot between the "A" and "D" of "BADEN". Reproduction 'C' has a small white dot between the "E" and "I" of "POSTVEREIN".

The above stamp doesn't have any value inscription. The inscriptions are different from the genuine stamps. I have also seen this label in blue and orange. The size of this label is larger than the genuine stamps (about 1 1/2 times). I've been told that it was made by A.C. Roessler, who overprinted these labels with advertising messages. He also sold unoverprinted labels to other dealers. I've seen such abels in blue and orange with a black overprint "WE SELL THE AMERICAN HINGE 15 c per 1000", also a blue label with "WE TAKE SUBSCRIPTIONS to ROESSLER'S STAMP NEWS" in black.

Forged 30 k stamp in the color black.

Peter Winter forgeries of the Stockach imperforate issue:

Imperforate forgery on envelope, note that this (forged) envelope was also used to create forgeries of Bavaria. This envelope has a cancel "STOCKACH 28 DEZ".

Zoom-in on the forged stamp and forged cancel

Perforated Winter forgery, pretending to be the rare perforation 13 1/2. The perforation does not seem to match the genuine perforation.

The 3 k imperforate stamp was forged by Peter Winter (with cancel "STOCKACH 28 DEZ" or uncancelled as shown above). I have also seen two perforated uncancelled tete-beche stamps and a partly perforated (upper perforation missing) uncancelled 3 k stamp. They are also printed on white modern paper. I presume they are all coming from the same source (i.e Peter Winter). Usually the word 'Replik' is printed in small letters on the back. Also note the small imperfections in the upper left (red extension to the left) and upper right (frame has a thin spot) corners.

Forged cancel:

(Forged cancel on a genuine 30 k stamp, reduced size)

Possibly a Rudolph Thomas forgery with 'OBERKIRCH 10 JUL' cancel.

Other forged cancels were made by Rudolph Thomas from Chicago (see 'Philatelic Forgers, their Lives and Works' by V.E.Tyler, probably to 'enhance' some 30 k stamps), the following cancels (with fixed dates) are known:
These cancels were used somewhere between 1912-1941 (Thomas died in 1941). If anybody has more information, please contact me!

Forged cancel "VOEHRENBACH 3 SEP.". A similar forged cancel is known to have been used by the forger Emil Reinhard Krippner on the Baden Landpost stamps. The cancel listed in the Krippner book by Hand Friebe shows a slightly different cancel (no dot behind "SEP" and no dot at the bottom).

Some imperforate forged 18 k stamps (or reprints?) in different fancy colors:


1 Kr blue inverted image with red cancel. This is a transfer picture or 'Abziehbild' or 'decalcomanie' to be used as a toy and transferred on a child's arm made by Zechmeyer.

A very primitive 3 k blue forgery.

Another very primitive 6 k blue forgery.

Two primitive 18 k forgeries in black on coloured paper (the cancel appears to be printed)

Two forgeries made from some printed image (note the little dots when zoomed in) and with a fake perforation applied.

Stamps - Briefmarken - Timbres-Poste

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer