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GREECE Large Hermes Head issue, forgeries, part 2; Alisaffi, Oneglia and Sperati, etc.

Return To Catalogue - Greece - Greece Large Hermes Head forgeries, part 1; Spiro etc. - Greece Large Hermes Head forgeries, part 3; Fournier - Greece Large Hermes Head forgeries, part 4; Imperato

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the catalogue;
contact me if you want to purchase the catalogue.

Greece Large Hermes Head forgeries, part 1; Spiro etc.
Greece Large Hermes Head forgeries, part 2; Alisaffi, Oneglia and Sperati, etc
Greece Large Hermes Head forgeries, part 3; Fournier
Greece Large Hermes Head forgeries, part 4; Imperato

Alisaffi forgeries:

The forger A.Alisaffi (originally from Constantinopel, but working in Paris) also made forgeries of these stamps. He seems to have used many different dies (31 varieties according to V.E.Tyler's book); including prints in non-existing colors and double prints.

Most likely Alisaffi forgeries. They resemble very much the image on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LHH_-_Faux_d%27Alissafi.jpg

Other AliSaffi forgeries

According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._Alisaffi forgeries of Alisaffi were also sold by Fournier (and thus some ended up in the Fournier Album).

Alisaffi forgery of the 20 c value, but found in a Fournier Album.


Oneglia forgeries:

I've been told that this is a die-proof forgery of the 20 l value made by Oneglia:

Oneglia 'die proof' forgery. I'm not sure if this is true since I have seen very similar prints (one single stamp) which I was told are Paris Exhibition reprints made in 1900.

Since these forgeries appear to have been engraved, they have a special 'sharply printed look' to them:

Other Oneglia forgeries (made in 1890):

The above are Oneglia (Panelli) engraved forgeries. The 1861 'Paris' 1L, 2L, 5L, 10L, 20L, 40L & 80L values, then the 10L with figure on reverse. Finally the 1876-77 30L & 60L (2, both papers)
values (images obtained from a Sandafayre auction).

(look at the strange '60' in this forgery)

In my opinion, in all the above Oneglia forgeries, the zig-zag pattern on the left hand side begins slightly too high at the bottom when compared to a genuine stamp.


Sperati forgeries:

Sperati forgeries, images obtained from a Sotheby auction

The forger Sperati made a forgery of the 1 l value. Sometimes Sperati used genuine stamps of lower value on which he printed the forged design (in those cases the cancel is genuine). In other cases, he applied a forged numerical cancel "9", "18", or "32" (see images above or also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LHH_-_Faux_de_Sp%C3%A9rati.jpg).


Other forgeries:

Engraved(?) forgeries. In my view, there are not enough lines in the corners.

Forgeries of the 1 l. In my opinion, the shading on the cheek is not well done.

Block of four 10 l forgeries, apparently very dangerous forgeries.


Greece Large Hermes Head forgeries, part 1; Spiro etc.
Greece Large Hermes Head forgeries, part 3; Fournier
Greece Large Hermes Head forgeries, part 4; Imperato

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer