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Preview of Stamps Catalogue: VOLUME 2

BELGIUM Railway official stamps

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To be used on official correspondence of the Railways.

1929 Stamps of Belgium, overprinted with a winged wheel (official railway stamp)

1 F 50 blue

  5 c grey
  10 c green
  35 c green
  60 c brown
  1.50 F blue
  1.75 F blue (1930)


1929 Arms issue of 1929, overprinted with a winged wheel (as on previous issue)

  5 c grey (red overprint)
  10 c olive (red overprint)
  25 c red
  35 c green (red overprint)
  40 c lilac
  50 c blue (red overprint)
  60 c lilac
  70 c brown
  75 c violet


1932 Various stamps of 1932-1938, overprinted with winged wheel (as on previous issue, official railway stamps)

  10 c olive (sitting woman, red overprint, 1932)
  10 c olive (lion with mantle issue of 1936, red overprint, 1936)
  35 c green (Mercury, 1935, red overprint, red overprint)
  35 c green (lion with mantle issue of 1936, red overprint, 1935, 1937)
  40 c lilac (lion with mantle issue of 1936, 1938)
  50 c blue (lion with mantle issue of 1936, 1936)
  70 c black (King Leopold III facing the left, 1935, red overprint, 1935)
  70 c brown (King Leopold III in a rectangle of 1936, red overprint, 1936)
  75 c brown (King Albert with hat, red overprint, 1935)
  70 c grey (King Leopold III in a rectangle of 1936, red overprint, 1938)

  '10 c' on 35 c green (lion with mantle, 1942)
  '50 c' on 70 c brown (King Leopold, 1942)
  '50 c' (red) on 70 c grey (King Leopold, 1942)


1941 Lion with mantle stamps of 1936 (railway official stamps)

With red 'B' in an ellipse overprint
  10 c olive
  40 c lilac
  50 c blue 

With 'B' in an ellipse already incorporated in the design
  10 c olive (1946)
  20 c lilac (1949)
  50 c blue (1946)
  65 c red (1948)
  75 c red (1946)
  90 c brown (1949)


1941 King Leopold III stamps of 1936 (Poortman type), overprinted with a red 'B' in an ellipse (railway official stamp)

  2.45 F black 


1941 King Leopold III in a rectangle stamps of 1936, overprinted with 'B' in an ellipse

  1 F red (small size)
  1 F red (larger size)
  2.25 F green (red overprint)


1948 Various designs, with 'B' in an oval incorporated in the design (railway official stamps)

Sowing woman
  1.35 F brown
  1.75 F green (1949)

Textile industry machine
  3.15 F blue
  4 F blue (1949)

Harbour with ship
  3 F lilac


1952 As postage stamps of 1951, but with "B" in an ellipse incorporated in the design

  10 c orange
  20 c brown
  30 c grey (1959)
  40 c olive
  50 c blue
  60 c lilac (1966)
  65 c brown
  80 c green
  90 c blue
  1 F red
  1.50 F black (1975) 
  2.50 F brown (1970)


1954 As Baudouin 1953 type stamps, but with 'B' in an ellipse incorporated in the design in the lower left corner

Railway stamp as Baudouin postage stamp type, with 'B' in ellipse added in the design

  1.50 F grey
  2 F red
  2 F green (1959)
  2.50 F brown (1959)
  3 F lilac (1959)
  3.50 F light green (1970)
  4 F blue
  6 F red (1959)


1971 As Elstrom type (King Baudouin facing the left), but with 'B' in an ellipse added to the design (railway official stamps)

  3 F green (1974)
  3.50 F brown (1972)
  4 F blue (1974)
  4.50 F brown (1972)
  4.50 F blue (1975)
  5 F violet (1974)
  6 F red (1978)
  6.50 F grey (1976)
  7 F red
  8 F grey (1978)
  9 F brown (1980)
  10 F lilac (1974)
  15 F violet
  25 F violet (1976)
  30 F brown (1978)


1977 Lion with "B" incorporated in the design

similar to postage stamps, but with "B" incorporated in the design.

  50 c brown (1982)
  1 F lilac (1982)
  2 F orange (1982)
  4 F brown
  5 F green (1980)

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer