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Preview of Stamps Catalogue: VOLUME 1

INDIA FISCAL STAMPS, Foreign Bill, High Court, Notarial, Petition, Share Transfer

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1860 Foreign Bill embossed stamps:

1860: "FOREIGN BILL" on 4 a red embossed seal. It exists in the values 4 a, 1 R and 4 R all in red with a variety of dates printed in the 3 corners. Also a surcharged stamp "EIGHT ANNAS" on 4 a issued in 1901 to 1904. The overprint is supposed to be in green (with green borders around the stamp).

  FOUR ANNAS red and green
  ONE RUPEE red and green
  FOUR RUPEES red and green

In 1901 some surcharges were done

  "FOUR ANNAS 4 ANS" on 1 R red and green
  "EIGHT ANNAS" on 1 R red and green
  3 R on 4 R red and green


1861 Tall sized stamps (23 x 60 mm) with Queen Victoria, inscription "FOREIGN BILL", various frames, all in lilac color

Foreign Bill, 12 a and 3 R

  2 a lilac
  3 a lilac
  4 a lilac
  6 a lilac
  8 a lilac
  12 a lilac
  1 R lilac
  1 R 8 a lilac
  2 R lilac
  3 R lilac
  4 R lilac
  6 R lilac
  8 R lilac
  12 R lilac
  18 R lilac
  24 R lilac

Surcharged stamps: 4 a on 4 R, 3 R on 4 R

Surcharged stamps 1898-1904:
  "ANNAS" on 2 R lilac (2 a on 2 R, 1898)
  "TWO ANNAS" and bars on 18 R lilac
  "TWO" on 24 R lilac
  "ANNAS" on 4 R lilac (4 a on 4 R)
  "ANNAS" on 6 R lilac (6 a on 6 R)
  12 a on 2 R lilac
  "ANNAS" on 12 R lilac (12 a on 12 R)
  "THREE" on 8 R lilac (3 R on 8 R)

A similar stamp in the above design (Foreign Bill) in the value 4 R exists with overprint "TELEGRAPH 1 ANNA" to be used for telegraphic purposes.

"TELEGRAPH 1 ANNA" on 4 R, here with "SPECIMEN" overprint.

Foreign Bill stamp of 6 a with "MYSORE" overprint to be used in the state of Mysore. And a 3 a with "TRAVANCORE" overprint. Red and black "HYD.R.B." for Hyderabad.

With "HUNDI" overprint, unlisted in Forbin or Barefoot. Hundi is some kind of money transfer system in India.

Cancel with "ADEN COAL Co LTD ADEN" on top, date in the center and "ADEN" below.


High Court:

First issued in 1868, tall sized stamps with inscription "HIGH COURT".

1868 issue: 25 values ranging from 1 a to 100 R were issued, all in lilac and red color.

"COURT FEES." overprint in red and black bars on "HIGH COURT"

1869: "High Court." (Calcutta issue); The following values in lilac color are listed in the Forbin guide: 1 a, 2 a, 3 a, 6 a, 1 R, 2 R, 3 R, 4 R, 7 R and 10 R. Futhermore exist 1 a lilac on blue, 2 a violet, 3 a brown, 4 a green, 8 a blue, 12 a red, 3 R brown, 6 R green, 7 R orange, 9 R grey and 20 R olive. I've also seen 4 a lilac (see image above) and 8 a lilac.

High Court Service:

Special Adhesive stamps, overprinted "High Court." horizontally and "Service." vertically

The values 6 a lilac, 8 a blue and 1 R brown exist according to the Forbin Guide (the Forbin Guide says the authenthicity is not proven).

High Court Notarial:

"HIGH COURT NOTARIAL" on 1 R lilac Foreign Bill stamp. This stamp was issued in 1879, only this value was issued.


1 R red and green Foreign Bill stamp of 1860 with "NOTARIAL" overprint, issued in Bombay. Two different sizes exist of this overprint.

Foreign Bill stamp overprinted "NOTARIAL" and two bars on 1 R lilac "FOREIGN" and "BILL" (Calcutta issue). And "NOTARIAL" without bars (Bombay issue, 2 different sizes exist in a black color and one more size in red color).

"NOTARIAL" on 1R lilac Foreign Bill stamp (Bombay issues); 4 different sizes of the overprint exist (reading upwards or downwards)

1902, overprint "NOTARIAL" on 1 R Foreign Bill stamp of King Edward VII. A red horizontal overprint should also exist according to the Forbin Guide.


1867: Foreign bill stamps of 1861, top and bottom cut off, overprinted "PETITION" in green. In 1870 this particular stamp was futher surcharged with a red "COURT FEES" to be used as court fee fiscal.

1867 With green "PETITION" overprint:
  "ONE ANNA" on 4 R violet (horizontal or vertical overprint)
  1 a on 8 R violet (overprint 13 or 16 mm)
  8 a violet (overprint 13 or 16 mm)
  1 R violet (overprint 13 or 16 mm)
  2 R violet 

1870 With further "COURT FEES." overprint in red 
  2 R violet
  Some other (rare) local overprints seem to exist.

Share Transfer (1863):

Share Transfer 4 a, issued in 1863. The values 1 a, 2 a, 3 a, 4 a, 8 a, 12 a, 1 R, 1.4 R, 2.8 R, 3.12 R, 5 R, 6.4 R, 7.8 R, 10 R and 20 R exist. They are all in the same colors (lilac and red). The Forbin guide says that some of these stamps are printed in water-soluble colors.

1905 surcharge "TEN TEN 10" on 20 R (very rare). There is a chop with date 1905 elsewhere on this document.

With red "COURT FEES." overprint. The following values exist: 1 a, 2 a, 3 a, 4 a, 8 a, 12 a, 1 R, 5 R, 10 R, and 20 R. The 1 a should also exist overprinted in black(?), but I have never seen it.

1892 Share Transfer provisional issue

1892 "SHARE TRANSFER" overprint on special adhesive fiscals; the values 2 a lilac, 3 a brown and 6 a brown were issued.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer