Preview of Stamps Catalogue: VOLUME 1 |
Note: on my website many of the
pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the catalogue;
contact me if you want to purchase it.
(The above stamps are genuine stamps)
1 c black on lilac 2 c black on yellow 4 c black on blue
There are 3 different borders for the 1 c and 2 c ("crossed ovals" 12 stamps in a sheet of 24; "pearls" 8 stamps and "grapes" 4 stamps). Another 3 different borders exist for the 4 c ("hearts and pearls, 10 stamps in a sheet of 24, "cross in rosace, with inner lines", 2 stamps; subtype "cross in rosace, without inner lines" 6 stamps and "trefoil" 6 stamps). They were all printed in sheets of 24 stamps (4 rows of 6), resulting in 24 varieties. The 2 c was printed by removing the value "ONE CENT" and replacing it by "TWO CENTS". There must be a signature of the postmaster 'R.M. As. R.G.' (Robert Mather Assistant Receiver General) on it. The signature is black on the 1 c, red on the 2 c and white (actually due to decoloration of the paper) on the blue stamps. Furthermore many forgeries exist (some of them already produced in the 1870's, by the way, I'm not sure if the above stamps are all genuine). An article describing the types of this issue can be found in the Philatelic Record of 1881-1882 (page 108) by F.A.Philbrick. All the subtypes are described here. Already back in 1882, 1 out of 20 stamps only was genuine....
The main types of the 1 and 2 c: Ovals, Pearls and Grapes types
(all genuine)
The main types of the 4 c: Hearts and pearls, Cross in rosace
types (with inner lines), Cross in rosace types (without inner
lines) and the trefoil type (this type has no inner lines).
Images of a whole sheet of 1 c and 4 c stamps can be found in Die Ferrary Auktionen (II Auktion, plate 8).
Remainders of the 1 c exist with no signature and no perforation.
Remainders of the 1 c; always without perforation (normal stamps
were rouletted).
Types and subtypes of the 1 c an 2 c:
Crossed oval type, Subtype 1, the fifth ornament from the top on
the left hand side is different (it is actually an
heart-and-pearls type ornament!).
Crossed oval type, subtype 2. Second ornament from the bottom in
the right border is inverted (subtype 5 also has a similar
defect). The "B" of "BRITISH" has no serifs
to the left.
Crossed oval type, subtype 3, the fifth ornament from the top on
the left border is broken.
Crossed oval type, subtype 4. The "S" of
"BRITISH" is slanting forwards. First image obtained
from: http://www.stampboards.com/viewtopic.php?t=8445
Crossed oval type, subtype 5. It also has a reversed oval in the
second right oval from the bottom (as subtype 2).
Crossed oval type, subtype 6; From this subtype onwards, the vertical lines consist of smaller lines instead of one single line. This subtype has a "1" instead of a "I" in "GUIANA". For image see remainders of the 1 c above.
Crossed oval type, subtype 7, the second ornament from the top on
the left border is inverted.
Crossed oval type, subtype 8, the 5th oval from the bottom on the
right is reversed. There are two dots in front of the
"P" of "POSTAGE".
Crossed oval type, subtype 9, the "E" of
"POSTAGE" is placed very low. There is a break in the
line to the left of the "T" of "POSTAGE" and
a smaller break to the left of "AG". The vertical lines
consist of 4 smaller lines.
Crossed oval type, subtype 10, the upper right ornament is
inverted. The vertical lines consist of 4 smaller lines.
Crossed oval type, subtype 12 (there is no signature on the first
stamp?). There is a line in front of the "P" of
"POSTAGE". The third ornament from the top on the right
hand side is damaged.
Pearl type, subtype 13. There is a vertical line in front of
"GUIANA" (not to be confused with type 19).
Probably Type 14. A bar can be found behind the "H" of
Pearl type, subtype 15. The pearl above the "IA" of
"GUIANA" has been replaced by a trefoil ornament.
Pearl type, subtype 16. Note the position of the vertical lines
right of "BRITISH" and left of "POSTAGE".
Pearl type, subtype 17. The "S" of "POSTAGE"
is slanting forwards. The second "I" of
"BRITISH" is smaller than the other letters.
Pearl type, subtype 18. The "O" of "POSTAGE"
is partly missing. The line under "GUIANA" has a curve
on the left. Note the slanted "T" in "TWO".
Pearl type 19. There is a bar in front of the word "GUIANA".
Pearl type, subtype 20. The top of the "T" of
"BRITISH" is very badly done (totally missing even in
this copy). The line above "CENTS" curls upwards above
the "TS" of this word.
Grape type, subtype 21. The vertical line next to the
"IS" of "BRITISH" is placed too far to the
Grape type, subtype 22. The second "I" of
"BRITISH" is a "1".
Grape type, subtype 23. The second ornament in the bottom row is
wrong (it is the ornament of the 4 c value). The "O" of
"POSTAGE" is open on top.
Grape type, subtype 24, "POSTAGE" misspelt;
"C" instead of an "O". The second upper
ornament is different from the rest.
Types and subtypes of the 4 c:
Heart and Pearls type. Subtypes 1, 2, 7 and 8
Heart and Pearls type. Subtype 4, note the lower position of the
upper left ornament. Also the inversion of some of the ornaments
in the bottom row.
Heart and Pearls type. Probably subtype 6 with the 4th ornament
from the top on the left hand side replaced by a trefoil
Subtype 8, with a trefoil ornament erroneously placed as the
second last upper ornament. All the bottom ornaments are pointing
in the same direction.
Most likely subtype 9; the second last ornament on top is placed
slightly higher.
Cross in Rosace with interior lines; subtypes 11 and 12 (twice).
Heart and Pearls type; subtype 10 with ornament missing right to
the "G" of "POSTAGE".
Subtype 13, in this subtype the ornament below the "E"
of "CENTS" is a grape ornament (instead of a trefoil)
Trefoil type, probably subtype 15, the "S" of
"BRITISH" is slanting forwards. Ex-Ferrari item. It is depicted as item 272
in Ferrari auction II.
Another Ex-Ferrari item (although I
cannot find any thrace of this block in the book 'Die Ferrary
Auktionen', unless it is part of item 251 of Ferrari auction
II?), block of six stamps with three trefoil types and three
cross in rosace types. Most likely the bottom right hand side of
the sheet of 24.
Cross in Rosace, type ?? ("TS" printed higher, does not
appear to be a genuine subtype, although it does have a APS
certificate? Or is it a printing error?)